Monday, July 25, 2011

Reset Weekend

Monday...time to get back to the weekly grind and routines. I don't mind though because my family and I had a "reset" weekend. What is a reset weekend? Well it's two days with a full schedule of absolutely nothing! No plans, no commitments, no lists to complete; two days to hit your reset button. In order to hit your reset button you have to be willing to relax and let your everyday chores in life wait until Monday. There's laundry that needs to be can wait. There's cleaning to be can wait. Believe me it's not going anywhere. Between my husband's job, raising four kids at home, two boys that play baseball, and everything else our busy family juggles, we need a reset weekend sometimes.

Our weekend was filled with watching movies, playing video games and a relaxing day at the beach with friends. We had no agenda, no time table. Some may say we wasted our weekend, that we were lazy. Well I say it's ok to welcome the lazies sometimes. Stay in your pj's all day. Let your kids veer off their schedule and watch too much tv! Monday will faithfully be waiting for you to enforce bed time and monitor tv intake. I've learned that it's weekends like this that I have the most fun with my husband and kids. In a world where there are constant demands of work, school, and daily life, we all need a "reset" weekend every once in awhile!

Saturday, July 23, 2011

Homeschool Newbie

Well I never thought I would become a who writes to complete strangers. I also never thought I would become a teacher. A teacher without a degree; without ever setting foot inside a conventional clasroom. But a teacher I am! My family has just entered the homeschooling world. A world that is new, exciting, and also very overwhelming and scary at times. Like many I'm sure you want me to tell you the reason we chose homeschooling. To be honest there is no one reason, but instead a multitude of reasons. We are not like most homeschool familes that know from the time they have children this is their goal. No, we believed in the school system. I mean why not? My husband and I were taught in public schools and we turned out alright. All I can say is it's not the same school system that we grew up in.

I have 2 boys (ages 7 and 4) and 2 girls (ages 2 and 10 mos). My oldest son attended Kindergarten and part of 1st grade before we finally decided to homeschool. I am so glad we did! When we made the decision to pull him out of school in the middle of 1st grade, I went through a whirl wind of emotions. Fear, anxiety, excitement, and relief crept up all at the same time. I was fearful of failing. The weight of my kids' educations was now all on MY shoulders! I was anxious as to how my son would adapt to being taught at home versus in a traditional classroom setting. What if he resists me as a teacher? But I was excited to take on the challenge and hopefully bring back the love of learning he had when he was a toddler. As I did a ton of researching and reading other homeschool moms' blogs, I felt relief. Relieved that I was not alone. Relieved that I no longer had to force my child to be a "cookie cutter" student.

This fall we will begin our first full year of homeschool. I can not wait! I feel much more at ease and prepared as I enter this school year. How you ask? Well I have come to the conclusion that my children do not know I do not have a teaching degree. In fact, I was their first teacher in life. Who taught them how to sit up, say "da-da", and go to the potty like big kids? Yep, that was me! I was their teacher all along and didn't even realize it.Why not continue the journey of teaching them into their school years?